About PCC


Maringá, located in the northwest of the State of Paraná, is known for its intense green streets and avenues. The city offers excellent quality of life and infrastructure.

Within this context, the State University of Maringá (UEM) emerges as a cultural and technological hub of an entire region that reaches more than 100 municipalities in the microregions of Maringá, Paranavaí, Umuarama, Cianorte, Campo Mourão, Apucarana and Ivaiporã.

The Graduate Program in Computer Science (PCC) is linked to the Department of Informatics (DIN), which belongs to the Technology Center (CTC). DIN offers: graduate courses in Computer Science (academic master's and doctorate); undergraduate courses in Computer Science (full-time) and Informatics (evening), and a non-degree graduate course in Web Systems Development.

The Master's and Doctoral courses in Computer Science are recognized by CAPES, and obtained grade 4 in the last evaluation. The master's and doctoral courses began in 2002 and 2021, respectively, and have already titled more than 230 academics by June 2021.


The PCC is excited to:

  • to provide graduate students with in-depth knowledge in the area of Computing, which allows them to achieve a high standard of scientific or technical-professional competence;
  • to offer, within the UEM, adequate environment and resources for the development of scientific research in the area of Computing;
  • to train qualified personnel for the exercise of higher teaching activities in the area of Computing;
  • prepare researchers who advance technological development in the area of Computing; and
  • to train highly qualified professionals in the area of Computing.

Administrative Staff

Director: Profª Thelma Elita Colanzi Lopes

e-mail: teclopes at uem.br

telefone: (44) 3011-5118

Assistant Director: Profª Valéria Delisandra Feltrim

e-mail: vdfeltrim at uem.br

telefone: (44) 3011-5109

Secretary: Aparecida Lourenço de Jesus Alves

e-mail: sec-pcc at uem.br

telefone: (44) 3011-4345

Research Laboratories

DIN has the following research laboratories:

  • Algorithm Engineering Laboratory (LEAL);
  • Laboratory of Intelligent Interactive Systems (LSII);
  • Software Engineering Laboratory (LES);
  • Data Management Laboratory (LGD);
  • Information Technology Laboratory (LTI);
  • Distributed Software Development Laboratory (LDDS);
  • Experimental Laboratory of High Performance Computing (LECAD);
  • Languages, Compilers and Parallel Programming Laboratory (LCP);
  • Laboratory of Embedded Systems and Communications (LSEC);
  • Information Security Laboratory (LASI); and
  • Ubiquitous and Autonomic Computer Engineering Laboratory (MANNA).


The PCC logo was created in 2021 by Lucas Ken Higashi and Beatriz Sayuri Endo, then students of the Communication and Multimedia course at UEM. Luke describes the symbol as follows:
"The symbol represents connectivity and union, just like for computers in which all parts need to be connected to work correctly. It presents elements of the printed circuit board that are very present in Computer Science, placed in a way to form a hexagon and creating the idea of movement. It also includes a notebook on the side, showing that this area does not only work with the hardware but also with the software, the graphical interfaces and the user experience. Overall it presents a modern and geometric look as it is an area who works with technology and many calculations, is a symbol that represents modernity, connectivity and technology."